Cemetery for Germans in Ysselsteyn
In October 1946 (one month after the start of Operation Black Tulip) the cemetery for Germans in Ysselsteyn was established by the Nederlandse Gravendienst (Dutch Graves Service) on the initiative of the Dutch Ministry of Defence.
Since October 15, 1946, more than 31,500 Germans have been (re)buried on a 28-hectare site at this cemetery.
Thousands of Germans who were buried here have not been identified to this day.
Not only does this cemetery contain Germans who died in the Netherlands during the war, but also, for example, Germans who died in the Netherlands in the period after the liberation and Dutch citizens who were suspected of collaboration.
On November 1, 1976, the cemetery was transferred to the Federal Government by the Dutch Government and since then the ‘Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V.’ has been put in charge of the management of this cemetery.
During the annual Volkstrauertag in November, war victims are commemorated, as well as those who were expelled and did not survive their expulsion in the post-war period.